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HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. By default a web browser will display exactly what you type. If you have a great picture to share, how can you make sure that the computer displays the picture, and not the filename of the picture? ? A markup language allows you to tag your content so that computer knows how to display

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HTML is the heart of web pages and HTML5 is the latest version to be approved by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This markup language provides the tools needed to organize and present your content.

In the beginnning you will focus on the learning the most common tags and how to use them. Once you have a grasp on the proper sytax, you will focus on learning the semantics. Semantics is the underlying meaning of something. So while tags will often have a certain visual appearance that conveys information (things in italics are important), they also convey that information in a nonvisual way too. This is important since it conveys the same importance to people using screen readers and other assistive devices.

© Sandeep 2022